Understanding the Impact of FATCA

FATCA, otherwise known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, is one of the most arrogant and one-sided laws ever passed by Congress. I've written quite a bit about it in the past, almost always on how it negatively affects the average American trying to do business offshore. Today, though, I actually have some good news to report.

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Too Good to Be True…

In the 28 years I've worked in the offshore investment arena, I thought I'd heard every possible piece of bad advice clients could get. But one came up recently that takes the cake.

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The War on Privacy is coming to a license plate near you…

If you live in the eastern USA, you've probably encountered an automatic toll-collection system called "E-Z Pass." No need to stop. No need to fish for quarters in your pocket. And no need to roll down the window to confront the often grumpy tollbooth attendant. No wonder E-Z Pass is popular! Indeed, about 25 million drivers in 15 states now use E-Z Pass. Now for the not so easy to stomach side.

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The NSA Has Nothing on These Guys…

Thanks to secret documents released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, we know that the U.S. government routinely monitors email messages, chat sessions, voice sessions, what sites we visit, what we buy and on and on... But when it comes to personal privacy, there's another group out there that makes the NSA look like simpletons.

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The Ex-Patriot Act: Proposed 2012 United States Federal Law

The United States is one of only two countries (the other is Eritrea, a military dictatorship) that taxes its citizens and long-term residents, no matter where they live. Even Americans who haven't lived in the United States in decades must pay tax on their worldwide income as if you never left. What's more, they must comply with complex reporting obligations, with violations subject to draconian civil and criminal penalties.

Read MoreThe Ex-Patriot Act: Proposed 2012 United States Federal Law

When You Need to Disappear

Whistleblower Edward Snowden needs to disappear if he is to avoid kidnapping, assassination, extradition, or deportation to the United States.  If you're ever faced by a situation in which you need to disappear, right away, what would you do?

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How the USA Captures Whistleblowers and Other Political Enemies

Sitting in a restaurant in Belize City last week, I was mesmerized by television reports describing NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.  Most of the press coverage of Snowden's leaks has dealt with the breathtaking scope of the U.S. government surveillance he revealed.  But, I've been thinking about the reprisals that he's likely to face—and what options the United States has to force his return.

Read MoreHow the USA Captures Whistleblowers and Other Political Enemies

No Statute of Limitations for Failing to File U.S. Tax Returns

It's not something you want to think about, but old taxes can come back to haunt you. This is especially true of returns you've never filed. The statute of limitations—that legal egg timer, normally set to three years—never starts to run on unreported activities. And there are cases now of the IRS going back decades, collecting big money—plus penalties and interest—on form-filing failures, accounting errors, and innocent mistakes by unwary people.

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U.S. Government Watchdog Agency Urges IRS to Intensify Efforts to Identify Offshore Tax Cheats

While you’d never know it reading recent headlines describing IRS targeting of conservative “Tea Party” type groups, a much larger IRS effort is underway to identify U.S. persons who have failed to disclose reportable and possibly taxable non-U.S. investments.

Read MoreU.S. Government Watchdog Agency Urges IRS to Intensify Efforts to Identify Offshore Tax Cheats

U.K. Latest European Country to Woo High Net Worth Immigrants

It’s no secret that many European countries are in dire financial straits. While the United Kingdom is in better financial health than say, Cyprus, public finances have approached crisis mode. The U.K.’s budget deficit for 2013-2014 will approach 8% of GDP, more than double the figure considered sustainable even by Keynesian economists.   The country is therefore ready to woo high net worth immigrants.

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