Fractional Reserve Banking: It’s Not Your Money…You Only Think It Is!

In the aftermath of the forced confiscation of bank accounts in Cyprus, the question that clients ask me most is, “could it happen here?” “Here” is wherever the client lives or invests, and could be the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, or any other country.  The answer is yes. This result stems from the nature of our modern financial system, built as it is on the flawed foundation of a poorly-understood concept called “fractional reserve banking.”

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Cell Tracking for Dummies

No, I’m not saying that you’re a dummy.  What I am saying is that it’s easy for someone to monitor your cell phone activity.  Almost any dummy can figure it out,  hence the title "Cell Tracking For Dummies".

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Beep for the U.S. Citizen!

I arrived here in the Commonwealth of Dominica earlier this week.  It's always a pleasure to come here; I go through the "residents" line at passport control and the official stamps my Dominica passport with the notation "RR" for returning resident.

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“Fiscal Cliff” Negotiations Could End Tax Breaks for U.S. Citizens Working Overseas

Other than Hungary, the United States is the only major country that taxes its citizens, no matter where they live. In addition, wherever they live and work, U.S. citizens must also comply with the draconian reporting requirements for their foreign investments and businesses imposed by Congress summarized here.

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