The Nestmann Group

Wealth Protection Planning for More than Four Decades

Since 1984, we’ve offered wealth protection strategies and services to more than 15,000 American customers and clients.
Here’s how we can help you too…

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How do we help you protect your wealth?

What building blocks we use depends on where you are in life, what you hope to achieve, your risk profile, and any circumstances that can affect planning recommendations one way or the other.

State and Federal Government Protections
Domestic and International Insurance
Bank Safety Issues
Retirement Planning
Wealth Management
Tax Reduction Opportunities
Anti-Inflation Strategies
Asset Protection for Traditional and Alternative Assets
Personal Freedom through Second Residencies and Second Passports

What does our work look like in practice?

Sometimes people have a hard time understanding exactly what we do. After all, “international wealth protection planning” can mean different things to different people. So here’s a sample of actual work we’re doing for clients right now.

What’s Your Goal?

Let us know what you’re hoping to accomplish and we’ll give you some options to help you reach that, and how we can help.

Diversification Reason

Select your main reason to diversify your assets.

How Much Tax Paying

Enter the amount of tax you've paid last year in US Dollars.

Biggest Fear

Select your biggest fear which drives you to create Plan B strategy.

Where should we send your report?

Enter your name and email address where we will send your report.

We handle your data according to our Privacy Policy. By entering your email address you grant us permission to send you the report and follow up emails later.

Two levels of service

Do It Yourself (DIY)

For simpler cases, we can help show you how to create effective plans that protect your wealth but don’t cost a lot.

Full Service Wealth Protection

For high-net-worth individuals and families, entrepreneurs and expats with complicated filings, we offer full-service wealth protection planning.

What makes our wealth protection services different?


Most advisors specialize in one or two areas and try to fit their clients into that solution. That might be good for the provider. But if it’s not the right fit for you, you aren’t going to get the wealth protection you’re looking for.

We don’t specialize in one or two areas. Instead, we are generalists that can see the whole picture and then work with the specialists to put your plan into action.


Most advisors stick with what’s available to them in the US. We see a whole big world out there full of wealth protection opportunities for the right clients.

This approach – of combining domestic and international strategies for maximum wealth protection and freedom – has truly set us apart since 1984.

Who are our Wealth Protection Clients?

We work with a wide range of clients – from solo entrepreneurs to other advisors in related areas. But our core clients fit into one or more of the following groups:

High Net Worth Families and Individuals Concept art of high net worth family (AI Art)

High Net Worth Families and Individuals

This group has at least $1 million in liquid assets not including the home they live in. They tend to have a wide range of assets – both traditional and alternative… and have access to opportunities not available to the general public.

Because of their wealth, frivolous lawsuits can be a problem. Estate planning is usually more complex. Specialized asset protection may be necessary. And there are often tax reduction opportunities.

Retirees Concept art of a retired couple (AI Art)


Retirees are often focused on wealth preservation. They usually have a nestegg but not a lot of income, so keeping what they have is very important.

When we work with such clients, we put a heavy focus on eliminating risk from their lives. Anti-inflation strategies, making full use of government protections, and specialized insurance play their part.

Depending on how far the client is into retirement, pensions and estate planning often need to be considered.

Business Owners Concept art of a business owner (AI Art)

Business Owners

We work with many business owners who are asset-rich but cash-poor. They often have a big chunk of their wealth tied up in their business and/or the building it’s in and/or the land it sits on.

With such clients, reducing risk plays a big necessity. But there’s a lot of opportunity too – business owners have the chance to reduce their tax burden in a way other groups don’t have.

Expatriates Concept art of an American expatriate (AI Art)


Americans living overseas have some unique problems that those living stateside don’t have to deal with.

As it relates to wealth protection, the biggest is never-ending reporting to Uncle Sam on almost any asset held overseas – from bank accounts to stocks to foreign property not held in your own name.

When we work with such clients, we often have to focus a lot on compliance and reporting issues. But there are also some opportunities – most notably substantial tax breaks Americans living overseas can access that others can’t.

Professional Investors Concept art of a professional investor (AI Art)

Professional Investors

Over the years, we’ve worked with quite a few professional investors.

They often fit into one or more of the other groups and have some of the same needs as other groups. But because they (usually) have their fingers in so many pies, risk management tends to be a focus for their planning.

It’s worth mentioning that, while net worth is a factor, wealth protection planning isn’t just about net worth. It’s important that everyone have a proper plan in place – whether your nest egg is $100,000 or $100 million.

What will change is the tools available to you and the type of experts you’ll need to build it.

Nestmann Group Reviews

Over 40+ years, we’ve worked with thousands of customers and clients. Understandably, many are uncomfortable going “on record” about such a personal topic.

But here are a couple of reviews about our services, with names changed to protect privacy.

I am truly grateful for the outstanding guidance and international expertise provided by Mark, Brandon and the entire team. They have extensive insights, resources and experiences and most importantly are highly principled with their recommendations to serve my needs first and upmost. With the increasing financial and political threats against the individual, it is very reassuring to have the Nestmann Group as trusted partners to preserve wealth and freedom.

Rocky*, Los Angeles, California

*Name changed to protect client’s privacy.

My consultation with Mark Nestmann ended up saving me hundreds of thousands of dollars.


I worked with The Nestmann Group on getting a second citizenship. Brandon and Mark, and the whole organization, did a great job for me. They were expert and prompt. I especially appreciated the fact that they so clearly put my interests first. I would highly recommend The Nestmann Group.

T. Bohmann*, Houston, Texas

*Name changed to protect client’s privacy.

I consider the money I paid to Mr. Nestmann for his advice one of the best investments I’ve ever made.


I felt having a second passport from Dominica would give me additional freedom in an uncertain world. I wanted to be sure there was always an option for me to live free of government abuse.

I chose to work with The Nestmann Group because I have been following them for years and had developed a comfort level that made me able to trust them with this important transaction.

In particular, I appreciated the quick turnaround time. I rarely had to wait long for an answer. When you’re making this kind of an investment, you want someone who is attentive to your needs and they were.

Thomas M, Florida

Super sharp, trustworthy, legitimate, serious, and “the real deal.”


I signed up for a second citizenship program because I needed a Plan B.

I chose the Nestmann Group because they have a good track record with such programs and strong customer service. Gabi, in particular, always got back to us quickly when we had questions. Needless to say, I’m very happy to recommend them to my friends, families or anyone who wants to work with an experienced and professional team.

Dale S, Florida

I could not be happier with the results your guidance has produced for me.


I wanted a second passport because of its usefulness in an emergency. I chose the Nestmann Group because of their communication. I received a high level of professional service that got the job done — a St Kitts and Nevis citizenship for me and my wife.

Eric, South Africa

I have been a client of the Nestmann Group for many years. They helped me obtain a Dominica passport. Their service was professional, competent, and trustworthy.

John*, Michigan

*Name changed to protect client’s privacy.

Other Useful Information

  • Based in Phoenix, with key locations in the Caribbean, Europe and Canada.
  • Founded in 1984.
  • Have helped more than 15,000 customers and clients.

Key People

Mark Nestmann (AI Art)

Mark Nestmann

In 1984, Mark Nestmann founded what would become The Nestmann Group. He holds a Masters of Law (LL.M) in international tax law from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.

Within the Nestmann Group, Mark contributes to our premium services including the Nestmann Inner Circle and the Nestmann Exchange. He also heads up private client planning through our Private Wealth service.

Brandon Rowe (AI Art)

Brandon Rowe

Brandon has nearly 15 years in the wealth protection planning business and specializes in international business and investing. He joined The Nestmann Group in 2013 and serves a number of roles within the company including select client engagements involving international banking and investing, and content for our free Nestmann’s Notes service among others.

Paul Castillo (AI Art)

Paul Castillo

Paul joined our team in 2016 and since then, has personally helped hundreds of clients decide if our wealth protection services are right for them. In addition to being the main contact for prospective clients, Paul also hosts a number of our products including occasional open webinars and the Nestmann Exchange.

Notable Media Coverage

Our work has been featured in well-known media outlets including The Washington PostBarron’s, ABC NewsThe New York TimesBloomberg Businessweek and Forbes.

You may have also seen it appear in popular niche publications including The Harry Schultz LetterThe Daily ReckoningInternational Living and Simon Black’s Sovereign Man Confidential. He has also regularly appeared on Jim Puplava’s Financial Sense NetworkLewRockwell.comThe Oxford ClubThe Sovereign Society / Banyan Hill and many others.


Why would I work with you instead of my local lawyer?

There’s nothing wrong with working with your local lawyer or accountant. But after 40 years of doing this, we’ve noticed that not every lawyer has the perspective some clients need to properly protect their wealth.

If you are 100% sure you need a specific product, service or strategy your local lawyer can offer, then it’s a good idea to work with them.

But if you want a holistic view of wealth protection that takes every threat and opportunity into account – with no bias towards any one solution – then give The Nestmann Group a chance to have a look.

How credible is The Nestmann Group?

Mark Nestmann launched what would become The Nestmann Group in 1984. Since then, we’ve helped more than 15,000 customers and clients with their wealth protection needs.

On this page you’ll find a number of testimonials and reference letters from clients.

Not only have we been covered in numerous mainstream media, but leaders in wealth protection and international living world sing our praises too.

Of course, the best way is to review our free resources. That will give you a clear idea of the expertise we bring to the table.

Then, when ready, feel free to get in touch to see how best we can help you.

I read about something called The Lifeboat Strategy but can’t find it online. Where can I find it?

The Lifeboat Strategy was a physical information product we offered from 2003 until 2021, with new editions every year or two. In 2022, we introduced The Nestmann Library as a replacement. Available through an online membership, that service offers the same benefits as The Lifeboat Strategy with one extra benefit – it’s constantly updated with new information.

Learn more about The Nestmann Library.

Does The Nestmann Group offer second passports?

We don’t directly offer second passports (that would be illegal). But we do work with two legal Citizenship by Investment programs:

You work with us day-to-day to guide your application from initial paperwork through to citizenship and the passport that comes along with it. Over the years, we’ve helped more than 100 clients obtain a second citizenship and passport without a single rejection.

I have a legal problem and need to protect my assets. Can you help?

As we are not currently licensed to practice law in any US state, we cannot offer legal help of any kind. We are strictly a wealth protection planning service.

You should know that, if someone does come after you, your window for planning is almost always closed anyway (thanks to something called “fraudulent transfer”). Wealth protection planning needs to be done BEFORE there’s a concrete threat, not after.

How do I contact you?

The fastest way is by email at or by live chat (always answered by a person, as available).

I want to see if you can help me. What’s the best way?

Book a free no-obligation call with a Nestmann Associate. He “vets” all new prospective clients. He will also be able to answer any questions you have about our services.

To get started, please request a consultation here.

Need some Help?

For more than 40 years now, our team has helped American clients move abroad, invest internationally, and do business all over the world… in a way that preserves your privacy and protects your wealth.

In practice, we build plans to help you do that. And then connect you with the resources on-the-ground needed to turn your dream into reality.

If you’re interested in exploring how we might be able to help you, please complete a brief intake form here and we’ll arrange a free no-obligation consultation with one of our advisors.